Why choose coaching?

Sometimes, we know we want, or need change in our lives, but even if we know how we want our lives to be, change is usually challenging.

This is because changing our lives, means changing ourselves and, however much we desire something different from our current reality, we often fail to be consistent enough with a new way of being, to create the habits required, for real, lasting success.

Working with a life coach has the potential to change your life by changing the way you think, which allows conscious choices to be made. Most of what we believe is given to us, recycled by us and eventually becomes part of our subconscious. Our upbringing, culture, schooling etc. ‘feeds’ us thoughts that (especially as children) are absorbed without questioning or analysing. Our brains then look for ways to sure up these beliefs and in time these become ‘facts’ we live our lives by.

This is why so many people have so many perspectives and all ‘believe’ theirs to be correct.

Whereas - "A belief is just a thought you keep thinking." Abraham Hicks

To create real change requires us to objectively observe the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, how we think and behave. A life coach can give this objectivity. Using reflective enquiry, a coach encourages a client to examine beliefs, assumptions, fears, needs etc.

By uncovering these patterns, the client has an opportunity to challenge them and decide which are now serving and which they no longer wish to accept and hold on to. Gifting yourself time with a coach who provides a safe space allows you to really listen and be heard.

Once free of limiting beliefs, you are able to move forward with confidence, find your unique authentic path and a life of purpose and joy.

It’s a process and the support of a Life Coach can be invaluable in navigating this new way of being, keeping you on track and accountable with gentle challenge and guidance. Working together, as thinking partners, to uncover the deep truths within, you can discover a path through, and to your life’s purpose, (whatever this happens to be).

This work has the potential to transform your own life and also the world around you, which is truly a gift and an honour.