authentic way with horses
As a qualified Equine-Assisted Learning Practitioner, I am able to offer individuals and small groups the experience of being coached by a team that includes human and horse coaches.
Anyone who has spent any time around horses will know the power of their presence and that just sharing space with them can have a profound effect on well-being. However, they are also capable of being more actively involved in supporting our self-development, which makes them excellent coaches.
Like us, horses are social creatures (living in herds), and this drives them to want to connect. However, they are also prey animals (hunted and eaten by other animals). Consequently, they are masters of both communication and congruence (showing on the outside how they feel on the inside), as their survival depends upon it. In contrast, we humans often show something different on the outside from how we feel within. We often hide our true feelings; we 'put on a brave face' or cover parts of ourselves that we think are negative, shameful, etc. We learn to wear 'masks' that we think will be accepted or approved of. Human society often demands this, and at times, this is what our survival has depended on.
Unfortunately, we can get so practiced at 'pretending' (e.g., that we are fine) or pleasing people that we can become unconscious and create patterns that are unhelpful or unhealthy in our lives.
Horses 'see' who we really are rather than who we are trying to be. Any incongruence makes them uncomfortable. They hold up a mirror and reflect back to us how we really are, giving us the chance to observe our patterns. By shining a light on how we are with ourselves and how we show up and relate to others in the world, horses gift us with self-reflection and the opportunity to change our thoughts, behaviours, and ultimately our lives.
A session of equine-facilitated learning is 30–60 minutes long. It requires no prior horse skills, and everything takes place on the ground (no riding is involved).
Although therapeutic, it is not therapy and is experiential in nature, allowing the participant to explore and find their own solutions, supported and guided by the human and horse coach(es).
For horses, safety is their primary concern, and they will seek out those they feel they can trust. They require us to be calm and in control of our emotions, which can help us learn regulation, presence, and focus.
Through engaging in activities like herd observation, grooming, horse-handling, negotiating obstacles, and husbandry skills, clients have the opportunity to explore a range of skills, including:
Calmness, Mindfulness, Boundaries, Empathy, Self-care, Self-regulation, Proprioception, Responsibility, Self awareness, Trust, Compassion, Team building, Leadership, Communication, Decision-making, Problem-solving, Empowerment, Resilience, Health and well-being.
These skills are then related back to the clients' life, giving them practical tools that can be used in daily life to bring about positive change.
There is now a growing body of research to support EAL as an intervention to support those seeking change.
The Heart Math Institute have studied the effects had on humans when they spend time with and around horses.
"I was unsure what quite to expect from my session with Siân and the horses, but I knew I wanted to see if I was strong with my boundaries.
I have been a great doormat over many years of my life! I am a little nervous of horses yet find them so fascinating and learning from Siân about how large their energetic fields are, and how they mirror what we are giving off, was fascinating. The horses showed me my salt intake is too high, my feelings of loneliness need to be looked at from a different angle/perspective and I found out my boundaries still need a lot of work! Haha! Siân is great to do the work with, she guides but does not tell you, she allows the time for you to feel what you are feeling around the horses and then helps express those feelings when you are ready to express them. There is no pressure, not too much talking but complete reassurance from Siân.
I would. highly recommend a session!"