Changing the world one relationship at a time

The most important relationship we have is always with ourselves, yet beyond this we are in relationship with everything else on the planet (whether we like it or not). Other people, our environment; everything coexists.

So how are we treating ourselves – our minds, our bodies, our spirits?

How are we treating others – the people in our lives, the rest of humanity?

Our environment - the creatures, our planet?

Are we being kind, loving? This doesn’t mean we have to agree with, or spend time and energy on people we don’t choose to, and it certainly doesn’t mean we hang around with people who do not treat us well, but we can be compassionate? The world needs more love, not less.

I was always an activist. I was arranging events to raise money for pit ponies aged 10. I raised money for animals, protested against fox hunting, animal experiments, GM crops, airports, maternity closures etc. etc. etc. I’ve planted hundreds of trees, been as environmentally friendly as I can, my household has only known organic and green my entire adult life (thinking about it most of my childhood too). However, I have two children, I drive, I have travelled by plane, I have a mobile phone etc. I am human, it’s part of the deal, we’re not perfect (no, none of us!) We all make our choices and sometimes we justify the ones we know are compromises or worse.

I have been observing the recent “environmental shift” with interest – veganism/plastic/XR campaign and whilst 30 years ago (when I belonged to several environmental groups) I would have been jumping for joy at this I have noticed that a huge negative human trait has merrily joined the band. Judgment. Many of us now want to point fingers, looking to blame others - the government/people who don’t care/people who fly/other countries etc. This surely takes us further away from peace and sustainability that most of us clearly desire. This must come for a love of our planet then which must include everything in it.

Eventually I gave up protesting and fighting for things I wanted to change, it just felt like putting sticks on the fire. Occasionally I am inspired to act – if I feel I can actually make a difference. When I do this now however, I try to do it without judgment (again, I am human). What I have learned is not to have the superiority attitude of “I’m right, your wrong.” It doesn’t work in a relationship between a husband and wife, why would it work amongst a group, population, nations? I try, instead to take responsibility and ask “How well am I doing?” “What contribution am I making positively or negatively?” “Where can I improve?” I judge myself (always with compassion and love).

I’m not waiting for Governments to lead the way. There’s no evidence to say things will change fast enough for me to rely and trust in them. I have much more power: the choice of where to shop, what to buy, where (or whether) to bank, how to travel, what to eat, whether to reuse/recycle/use plastic or anything else. We all have a choice in how we live. Like a muscle, it just needs exercising.

If we use healing the planet as an excuse to ‘beat up’ our fellow planet dwellers (or ourselves) isn’t that fascism?

Isn’t it a better choice to take responsibility for what we can control, to concentrate on being the best that we can be individually and to try and view everyone else being the best that they can be in this moment. If we can be a shining beacon of love ourselves, others will want to join our party.

I believe this is the way the world truly changes: one relationship at a time.